As a television host, Phil is an articulate and energetic personality who has appeared nationally on numerous programs including Shop NBC for their music and entertainment segments and PBS for some of their high profile pledge drives (including “Pete Seeger’s 90th Birthday Party Celebration and concert events such as Yanni Voices, The Canadian Tenors, and Clay Aiken to name a few). On a regional level Phil has been a regular guest on a variety of regional programs including Showcase Minnesota (NBC Affiliate), Twin Cities Live (ABC Affiliate), and Minnesota Sunday Morning (CBS Affiliate). Areas of expertise include music and entertainment, cooking, home improvement, finance and business, and contemporary lifestyle programming. As an actor Phil continues to build on his theatre experience as an actor throughout high school and in a number of productions while attending the University of Minnesota (BSB 2007). Phil has put his talent to use in a number of commercial and film roles which most recently have included a national Great Clips hair commercial and the lead role in a 48 Hour Film Festival project leading to a “Best Actor” nomination for Phil’s role as Paul Williams in the film Topsoil.